1) how often do you read or purchase music magazines?
- Weekly
- Fortnightly
- Monthly
- Every few months
- Never
2) what genre of music would you prefer to see this new music magazine based upon?
3) list some of the following that you like to see/have in music magazines
- free downloads
- posters
- interviews
- tour dates
- music charts
- featured columnists
- news/stories regarding bands, artists and upcoming music events
- upcoming bands
- suggestions of new songs to listen to
- film, tv, and music reviews
- letters page
- horoscopes
- band merchandise
- fashion based on band/artists
5) do you feel that there is a need for a new innovative music magazine aimed at females?
6) which do you prefer?
- A weekly magazine with all the latest news/music
- A fortnightly magazine with a longer period within each issue, therefore being able to put more content into an issue.
- Or, a monthly issue with all the biggest news/ music of that month
7) how much would you be willing to spend on an issue of a music magazine?
- £1.00-£2.00
- £2.00-£3.00
- £3.00-£4.00
- £4.00 +
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